We are often looking for the big changes that will make a huge sweeping difference. But the biggest shifts usually come from the tiny tweaks.
The Magic Formula to Improve in Any Skill
If you want to improve in anything you need 3 elements.
Debunking the Myth that Practice Leads to Progress
It’s time to end the myth that practice leads to progress. Learn the 3 key factors you need if you want to improve.
A Counterpoint to New Year, New You
Amidst the rush of pressure to set resolutions and goals for your self-improvement, a reconsideration of the “new year, new you” missive.
5 Elements for Effective Practice
Contrary to popular belief, practice on its own does not lead to improvement or progress. Effective practice starts with these 5 elements.
Are You Chasing an Illusion??
A lesson learned from the worst brownies I’ve ever made.