When setting goals, don’t overlook the crucial question that determines whether you’ll actually feel good about what you achieve.
How Finding the Joy in Failure Can Create More Fulfillment
Beliefs we hold about failure can keep us from embracing the risks we need to grow and find meaning and purpose in life.
How Pursuing Pleasure Can Boost Your Productivity
Engaging in reflection on what brings you pleasure may feel like a “waste of time” when you have so much to do, but this can actually be the key to turbo-boost your productivity.
Venus Square Uranus: Break Free From the Boundaries of Your Desire
Venus retrograde encourages us to reflect on the most essential question: What do I want? It may seem simple, until you ask the follow up: Am I allowed to want what I want?
3 Consequences of Constant Striving
We live in a goal-oriented culture that has conditioned us to pursue bigger, better, faster, more — in every realm. But this approach often deprives us of what truly matters in life. Here are 3 consequences of constantly striving.
7 Reasons Why Flying Trapeze Has Kept Me Engaged for 20 Years
When I first discovered flying trapeze, it seemed fair to assume this might quickly be another short-term love-affair. 20 years later, I’m as committed as ever. Here are 7 reasons why the sport keeps me engaged.
The Secret to Getting Unstuck
Unpopular opinion: How you do anything is not how you do everything. When you understand this, you’ll find the key to getting unstuck.
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