Those of us with ADHD often struggle with focus and attention due to lack of dopamine. Here are 11 elements need to create dopamine and create a flow state that can amp up your productivity.
5 Reasons Why Astrology is the Ultimate Productivity Tool
When I received my first natal chart reading in 2014, it piqued my curiosity, but I thought astrology was just a fun diversion. As I deepened my study of astrology, I’ve come to see it as a great tool for my personal development and productivity. Here are 5 reasons why astrology is the ultimate productivity tool.
5 Questions to Help You Tame Distractions
To effectively tame distractions, you must get clear on when and how it arises, and it what contexts. Here are 5 questions I use to get clear on what’s actually causing distractions.
Distractions Are Not Interruptions. Here’s Why This Matters.
The internet and the knock on the door are not the enemy. To effectively tame distractions, you first must understand the difference between distractions, interruptions, and distraction objects, so you know which you’re working with.
Why You Should Stop Trying to Push Through Your Mid-Afternoon Dip
Your mid-afternoon dip isn’t a failing of willpower. It’s a function of biology. Learning how to respect work with your brain can give you the boost of productivity you desire in a more sustainable way.
7 Reasons Why Flying Trapeze Has Kept Me Engaged for 20 Years
When I first discovered flying trapeze, it seemed fair to assume this might quickly be another short-term love-affair. 20 years later, I’m as committed as ever. Here are 7 reasons why the sport keeps me engaged.