I haven’t missed a daily workout in 11 years. Here are 7 strategies I’ve used to compile a remarkable record of consistency.
The Counter-Intuitive Way to Get More From Yourself — and Others — Without Resentment or Resistance
The same strategy I’ve used to successfully help clients sell their homes for more than their asking price has also fueled a decade-long daily workout habit, a 6-year daily blog, and other long-term habits. It also works to get stalled projects moving.
Why Virgo Season is the Best Time of Year to Start a New Habit
I’ve maintained a daily workout practice for ten years. Longevity all comes down to when you start. Here’s why Virgo season is the best time of year to start a new habit.
5 Tips to Get Back to Your Routine After Taking a Break
It’s the nature of life that we hit busy seasons that may cause us to fall off-track in our daily practices. Here are 5 tips for getting back on track after time off.
How to Keep Writing When You Don’t Feel Like It
Sometimes I don’t want to write. How do I overcome that malaise to publish a daily blog? Read on for more.
What I Learned From 1,400 Days of Meditation
We often overlook our small wins, waiting for the big moments. But the big achievements don’t just happen. Showing up is showing up.
The Illusion of Finding Time
Time is not something you find at the lost and found. It isn’t lost, and you won’t find it. What you can find is a way, or an excuse. The choice is yours.