Knowing that getting started is the hardest part of any task is comforting. But to move through the sticking point, it helps to know why getting started is so hard so you can actually get out of your own way.
3 Tips to Start a Task When You’re Struggling to Get Started
If you’ve ever struggled to start a task and received the advice to “just get started”, then you know how infuriating and shaming it can be. Here is the guide you need to get started when you’re struggling to start.
3 Sticking Points That Arise for ADHD Women When Starting New Projects
The Spring Equinox initiates the season of starting new things. Knowing your patterns can help you avoid getting stuck. Here are 3 particular sticking points for women with ADHD when it comes to starting new projects.
3 Proven Strategies to Start a Task When You’re Stalling
A little bit of delay getting started on a task can be normal, especially for neurodivergent people. But if you find yourself excessively stalling, it’s time for an intervention. Here are 3 proven strategies that can help you stop stalling and finally get started.
Start When You Are
You don’t need to wait for the new year or new month. Seize your intention and start when you are.