We all have those moments: worried about what people will think of you or your work, or whether they will like you. Here’s a roadmap for how to stop caring so much about what other people think.
How One Decision Changed My Life
It’s often said that one decision can change the direction of your life. Six years after making a decision to put myself first for one day, I can attest that this is true.
The Illusion of Control
So much of our suffering comes from the illusion that we can control our outcomes by controlling our actions.
Could Self-Love Really Be The Answer?
Can the answer to life’s complex problems really be found in self-love? Can it be that simple?
What Does it Mean to Deepen In Your Yoga Practice
Deepening in your yoga practice has nothing to do with sweating more or pushing harder. It may be the opposite of what you think.
What It Takes to Get Off-the-Grid for Six Weeks
Taking an extended break is not a function of luck or even having the right business structure. It involves a deeper level of work.