If you think that exploring your beliefs, building self-confidence, and building self-worth are “soft skills” with no impact on your productivity or bottom line, think again. These are the foundational building blocks of all achievement.
A Rare Model of Success
In a world that tells us success comes from pursuing more, it’s worth remembering that there’s another way.
Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus: The Friction of Changing Values
As Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus it pulls focus to how our values are evolving, and the friction involved in letting go of what we have inherited from others. As tough as it can be, it’s also a path that leads to our liberation.
Venus in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces: Trust What Flows
As Venus in Cancer forms a supportive trine to Neptune in Pisces, it invites us to consider that maybe we won’t need to work so hard. What would it take to trust what flows?
The Practice of BE-ing
In a culture that is constantly rewarding hustle, output, and “productivity,” often the hardest work is to do nothing and honor the value of our BE-ing.
You Are Worthy of Receiving Love
It’s time to ditch the story of who you must be and what you must do to earn love. You are worthy and deserving of love just as you are.
What’s Wrong With You?
Where does this question come from, and how can we get rid of it?
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