Contrary to your conditioned beliefs, self-criticism doesn’t fuel your best work.
3 Tips To Changing Your Negative Self-Talk
Changing our negative self-talk is one of the hardest habits to break. Here are 3 tips to help you get started.
The Most Important Qualty to Bring to Your Yoga Practice
You can’t teach what you don’t have, so you must cultivate this within yourself to give it to others.
What Does it Mean to Deepen In Your Yoga Practice
Deepening in your yoga practice has nothing to do with sweating more or pushing harder. It may be the opposite of what you think.
Fight-or-Flight Isn’t a Sustainable Productivity Strategy
Entering fight-or-flight mode can give us the push we need to get things done. But as a productivity strategy, this isn’t sustainable.
What It Takes to Get Off-the-Grid for Six Weeks
Taking an extended break is not a function of luck or even having the right business structure. It involves a deeper level of work.