When faced with a setback, do you resign yourself to how it is or defiantly push through? There’s a third option.
3 Reminders for Empaths Going Through Hard Times
As an empath, you naturally want to help others even when you’re struggling. Here’s why it’s essential to honor your own experience first—and how that makes you a better helper.
Finding Acceptance in Rest
Sometimes when life throws us through an emotional roller coaster, we power through. Then, when the dust settles, our nervous system demands its time for repair. Here’s what that looks like for me right now.
Let Your Heart Lead the Way
The secrete to creating a compelling vision that will motivate you to act even in the face of challenges is to let your heart lead the way and follow what you truly desire.
Full Moon in Leo: Shining in Your Light is a Service to the Collective
The full moon in Leo shines a light on the ways in which we diminish ourselves to fit in to community. It invites us to consider how the courage to stand out and shine in our light can be a service to the collective.
How to Build Resilient Strength
Consistency is only a starting point. After over a decade of daily workouts that at best only maintained the status quo, this is what it took to start building strength. The same principle applies beyond the gym.
What CrossFit’s “DT” Workout Taught Me About Resilience
Sometimes the best measure of a workout is not what happens during, or the time you score, but what happens after. Here’s what I learned about resilience from the CrossFit DT workout.