There’s a reason that the Buddhists speak about “the middle way.” Too much of a “good thing” isn’t always a good thing.
Finding Acceptance in Rest
Sometimes when life throws us through an emotional roller coaster, we power through. Then, when the dust settles, our nervous system demands its time for repair. Here’s what that looks like for me right now.
Solar Eclipse in Libra: 3 Things to Release to Rebalance Your Energy and Reclaim Your Power
The new moon solar eclipse in Libra occurs at the South Node, a point of release. Here are 3 things to release at this eclipse to rebalance your life and reclaim your power.
Mercury in Libra: Weigh Your Words
Mercury’s transit through Libra pulls our focus to the core element of all relationships: how we speak to ourselves and others.
The Limits of Logic
We often think that specifics will bring us certainty, but experience shows that logic and metrics have their limits. As Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, we’re invited to mediate spreadsheets with intuition.
Libra Season: Relationships Show Us Who We Are
As the Sun moves into Libra, our focus shifts from the “me” to the “we” as we learn we can only truly see ourselves through the eyes of another.
Finding Balance in the Liminal Space
In the midst of a season of transition, the autumn equinox initiates a season where everything changes. How do we find balance in this liminal space?