[spacer size=”40″] We live in a time when it is easy for us to express ourselves through writing, visuals and audio. But are we sharing what really matters?
The Secret to Bouncing Back
[spacer size=”30″] How to dissipate fear and live in the moment. Plus, the secret force that sabotages relationships and the simple way to eliminate it and bring more of yourself to those you love.
How Do You Know When You’re Acting From Fear?
It’s easy to say “don’t act from fear,” but how do you know when you’re in fear? And how do you know which path to take? We always know, even when we think we don’t know.
Why I am Freaking Out Right Now
Flying trapeze. Firewalks. Trampoline. Skydiving. I’ve mastered the art of acting in the face of fear in situations where the evolutionary “fight or flight” response is working as designed: to warn me of situations that are actually a threat to my life and well-being. But this is different.
Navigating the Morning After
There is a palpable fear in the air. People are reeling. They are paralyzed with anxiety. You hear the call to move forward, to move on. But how? I’m sharing an intimate story to help you.