Cooking for myself more often has been a laborious chore. Here’s how I’m reframing the act of cooking for myself from a mundane chore to a loving act of care.
Mars Square the Lunar Nodes: Making a Choice at the Crossroads
As Mars in Capricorn squares the lunar nodes, it puts us at a crossroads: do you take a leap toward your future, even if the path is uncertain, or do you stay safe with what you know and your habitual way of being?
Mercury Cazimi in Cancer: Remember Who You Are
As Mercury and the Sun meet up in Cancer, they invite us to an intimate reflection to remember who we are and why we are here.
The Call From Within
Your soul is calling. How will you answer?
Hineini: How Will You Answer the Call?
Hineini is the response offered by several great prophets in response to God’s call. What does it mean, and what does it teach us?
Why I am Freaking Out Right Now
Flying trapeze. Firewalks. Trampoline. Skydiving. I’ve mastered the art of acting in the face of fear in situations where the evolutionary “fight or flight” response is working as designed: to warn me of situations that are actually a threat to my life and well-being. But this is different.