Difficult emotions can keep us from doing our best work. RAIN is a tool that helps us touch the tender places with mindfulness and compassion.
Embracing the Storms of Life
Life is not meant to be observed from under the shelter of the umbrella or awning, while we wait for the storm to pass. It is meant to be lived and embraced with full commitment to getting wet.
How to Stop Judging Yourself
This is for the overachievers who constantly find yourself in the self-judgment of I’m not good enough. I haven’t done enough. What is behind your self-judgment, what it does to you, and how to stop it.
Nature’s Blessing and Curse
What happens when the very thing we are praying for is also the very thing that threatens to destroy us?
You Don’t Really Need to Understand It
[spacer size=”30″] Funny, how, when it rains, we don’t ask, Why?