In our data-obsessed world, we tend to value the rational objectivity of detached analysis. But ignoring the subjective perspective can leave us with an incomplete picture.
The Secret to Achieving Your Goals: Detach From the Outcome
The more attached we are to a specific outcome, the more elusive it becomes. The best way to achieve or surpass your goals is to detach from the outcome and trust in the process.
What You Own Owns You
Our ownership culture conditions us to believe that owning things creates freedom. But in fact it’s the opposite, because what you own owns you.
Moving Beyond Optimism vs Pessimism
Whether you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist, you’re missing out on the opportunity to find deeper meaning.
What to Do When The People Who Ask For Your Advice Don’t Take It
When people come to you for advice, you may have an expectation that they will take it. What happens when they don’t?
5 Tips for Dealing With the Inevitability of Change, Loss, and Death
5 tips to live with less attachment to the things and people we love, and be more accepting of the inevitability of change, loss or death.