Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio reminds us of the power of words to inflict pain and incite violence. It also reminds us of the power of aligned action and having the courage of our convictions.
5 Things to Know about Venus in Virgo
After four months in Leo, Venus has finally moved into a new sign. Venus in Virgo brings a big energetic shift. Here are 5 things to know about the Venus in Virgo transit.
Mercury in Libra: Weigh Your Words
Mercury’s transit through Libra pulls our focus to the core element of all relationships: how we speak to ourselves and others.
5 Ways to Work With Mars in Virgo to Make Progress Toward Your Big Goals
If you feel like you haven’t been making enough progress toward your big goals, you can use the energy of Mars in Virgo to give you a boost. Here are 5 ways to work with Mars in Virgo to make massive progress toward your biggest goals.
Context is Everything
Events don’t happen in isolation. Both in the planets and in our lives, understanding the context can help bring awareness to the patterns.