After 7 months, Mars is leaving the sign of Gemini and moving into Cancer. Here are 5 things you need to know about this transition.
Be Willing to Walk Away
Sometimes the thing we think we can’t live without is the thing that is actually impeding our progress.
The Strength of Having Multiple Careers
The experiences you have and the knowledge you gain from one part of life is never wasted, even if you leave that part of your life behind.
The ONE Thing You Must Know To Get to Where You Want to Go
To get to where you want to go in life you must know one crucial piece of information. It’s not what you think it is.
Find Peace in the End
A poem for the last day of the year, in six stanzas of haiku.
Why Transitions Are Hard
It may be cold, dark, and uncomfortable, but the liminal space also offers a wellspring of opportunity — if we are willing to sit in it.