If you like to move fast, take action, and feel like you’re moving forward in life, there’s nothing worse than feeling stuck where you are or even like you’re going backward.
Today brings an opportunity to free up stuck energy as Mars will leave the sign of Gemini after spending 7 months in that sign, and move into Cancer.
Here’s what you need to know about this last major planetary transit of March and Mars’ entrance into Cancer.
(1) Why Mars Changing Signs is a Big Deal
In the solar system, Mars is the planet of action.
Mars is The Warrior, the planet of decisive action. It represents our raw ego, our drive, our initiative, and our energy to take action towards what we want.
The ruler of Aries, Mars represents our independent drive and spirit. If Mars can’t find a path, it cuts through to create a path on its own.
Mars typically spends 2 months in each sign, taking about 26 months to cycle the Zodiac. When it stations retrograde it spends up to 7 months in a sign.
Mars has been in Gemini since August 20, 2022. It was retrograde from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023.
For a planet that likes to move fast, 7 months in one sign is a long time.
On March 25, 2023, Mars will finally leave Gemini and move into Cancer.
March has been a month of big planetary moves and conjunctions, both of which create new beginnings.
This is the last big move of the month, and a chance to free ourselves from whatever lingering chains are holding us back from moving forward.
When Mars is moving, it’s time for us to move as well.
(2) The Energy of Mars in Gemini
Gemini is an air sign that is relentless curious and tends to want to pursue many paths at once.
In Gemini, Mars struggles to forge a direct path with a clear choice.
It’s like being at a crossroads with many options without choosing a direction.
This has been especially the case during this Mars transit through Gemini, as it ignited a square between Mars and Neptune.
(3) Mars in Cancer Is In It’s Fall
Imagine you’ve been in the same place for a long time. You’re eager to move, and you finally get your chance.
But there’s a catch:
You’re forced to move to a place that you don’t really like so much. It’s a place that isn’t so conducive to doing your best work. It’s your only option for now, so you take it. But you’re not thrilled about it.
This is Mars in Cancer.
Each planet has a role to play, and they must play out their role in the signs where they are residing.
Mars in Cancer is said to be in the sign of its “Fall.” The nature of Cancer — and the purpose of the work to be done in this sign — is at odds with the way Mars likes to work.
Cancer is a sign of nurturing and care. It represents the foundation of our lives: our familial bonds, the way we were mothered, the roots of our existence.
Mars is the warrior. It fights, severs, separates, and cuts through. It is aggressive and ego-driven. It wants to battle.
Astrologer Austin Coppack explains that
Mars’ nature brings about and resolves conflict. He symbolizes the necessary desire of every individual to burst their confines and establish themselves as independent, reliant only upon their own will.
As Coppack explains,
Cancer collects, nurtures and connects while Mars burns, severs and fights. Therefore Mars brings conflict to the sensitive foundations Cancer represents, while those sensitive foundations attempt to stifle that conflict which is contrary to their process.
(4) The Energy of Mars in Cancer
In Cancer, Mars must be less combative. Mars in Cancer uses its warrior energy to protect and defend the relationships that form the foundation of life.
Mars in Cancer is a vulnerable warrior, shedding the sword and ego to create a nurturing foundation.
Beset with as many problems as it is, what positive quality does the power of Mars in Cancer have? By reconciling internal conflicts, it unifies its foundations. A strong and coherent foundation is power.
Mars in Cancer may also be a bit passive-aggressive.
Cancer’s symbol is the crab, an animal that scuttles about sideways.
This is at odds with the direct and assertive nature of Mars.
In Cancer, Mars — symbolized by fire —must navigate through water while maintaining its flame. It can get things done, but not with its usual tools or in its accustomed way.
(5) The Challenge and Opportunity of Mars in Cancer
In some circumstances, our greatest strength can turn into a liability.
How do we harness that strength for all the good it can do while not allowing it to self-sabotage our efforts?
This is the work of Mars in Cancer.
The core challenge of Mars in Cancer is how to stifle the aggressive nature of Mars that is prone to be divisive, while retaining access to Mars’ drive and decisive nature and the qualities that help it take action.
How can we channel our drive and aggression in a way that serves by unifying and healing and nurturing instead of dividing?
This applies to both outer and inner conflicts.
Under a Mars in Cancer transit, we want to be mindful of not suppressing our anger or acting out our aggression against ourselves.
Mars in Cancer energy is protective and proactive in planning ahead to avoid catastrophe and strengthen our personal foundation.
This might include practical activities like doing pre-hab exercises to prevent injury, and doing weight lifting to improve bone density. It also might include healing riffs that exist within our families or close friendships.
When we can create a solid foundation, we give ourselves the grounding to stand on in order to bring forth our best work to the world.
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