Imposter phenomenon kills productivity, creates damaging mindsets, and can reduce your income. Here’s how to stop it.
How to Build Your Confidence in Doing Anything
To build confidence in doing anthing, you must do the thing. Beyond that, it’s the way you practice that builds confidence. Why sub-optimal conditions and failure are better vehicles to build confidence than perfect circumstances and success.
I Decided to Kill Myself. It Saved My Life.
Three years ago today, I decided to kill myself. It was the best choice I ever made. It may have saved my life.
How to Free Yourself From a Victim Mindset
The demons of doubt and fear can be formidable oppressors, trapping us in a victim mindset and enslaving us to a life lived below our potential. The good news is that we hold the key to free ourselves.
5 Mindset Shifts to Keep Going When You Don’t Feel Like It
What do you do when your motivation wanes, when you feel like everything is a huge effort with no payoff, when the muse doesn’t show up, when you feel like you’re losing momentum, and when you start to wonder why am I even doing any of this?
Why You Feel Stuck, and How to Get Unstuck
What causes us to feel stuck, and how can we release ourselves from the stuck feeling?