Ready is not a question. It’s a directive, the beat before the action.
The Courage to Be Wrong
Stand-up comedy requires a willingness to test your material in public. In a culture that values expertise, the willingness to be wrong takes courage.
How Front Tucks and Stand-up Comedy Relate to Everything
This week I did my second stand up comedy performance. I noticed a pattern emerging that is the same as a pattern I’ve experienced in trapeze and trampoline. And no, it’s not about pushing through fear.
5 Things to Look For When Watching Yourself on Video
Watching yourself on video can be a great way to improve your speaking and presentation skills, if you focus on the right things. Use this 5-point checklist for where to focus when you watch yourself on video.
5 Essential Elements for a Tight Five Comedy Set
Get up on stage? No problem. Spotlight? Love it. Talk to people? Yes, please. Five minutes? Now I’m panicking. Here’s what I’ve learned about crafting a “tight five.”
What I Am Loving About Stand-up Comedy
Stand-up comedy is teaching me a new way of living and being that I had never before contemplated.
How to Build Your Confidence in Doing Anything
To build confidence in doing anthing, you must do the thing. Beyond that, it’s the way you practice that builds confidence. Why sub-optimal conditions and failure are better vehicles to build confidence than perfect circumstances and success.