Mercury and Venus form a conjunction as they move into Cancer, reminding us that far more important than expertise in a subject area is the way we communicate and relate to others.
Mercury Square Saturn: The Risk of Rigid Thinking — and How to Heal It
Discipline and structure can be a helpful, to a point. When the rigidity of discipline shapes our thinking, it can invite our inner critic and keep us from doing our best work.
3 Tips to Communicate More Effectively With Anyone
Ineffective communication is one of the biggest drains on our time and energy. Here are 3 tips for getting your point across without having to repeat yourself a million times.
The Most Effective Method For Fostering Inclusion and Belonging
In their drive to foster greater inclusion and belonging, most companies are getting too complicated and missing the mark. The key to inclusion is more simple and fundamental.
The Value of Being a Generalist
A Mercury/Jupiter conjunction and Venus cazimi — both in Gemini — have a potent message about the power and value of being a “jack of all trades and master of none.”
5 Ways to Work With Mercury in Gemini in 2024
Mercury is the planet of communications and ideas. Here are 5 ways to make the most of its quick transit through its home sign of Gemini.
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