Have you ever noticed that you tend to sit in the same seat in a classroom, or prefer the same spot in yoga class? It’s a function of environmental psychology. Here’s the science behind the habit.
PowerPoint Happy Hour and the Freedom to Fail
Giving yourself permission to suck is the best thing you can do to build strength where you need it most. There is no greater freedom than the freedom to fail.
How to Grow Within Your Comfort Zone
The Advice to Leave Your Comfort Zone is Wrong Comfort zones get a bad rap. If you’re dedicated to a path of growth, you are constantly being admonished to leave your comfort zone. That dot just beyond the perimeter of your safe circle is where the magic happens. It’s where the breakthroughs are. It’s the […]
Why Growth Does Not Happen Outside Your Comfort Zone
It’s a maxim of the personal development world that if we want to grow we must push out of our comfort zone. Science proves this wrong.
5 Common Attributes That Define Our Defining Moments
Whether the call comes from the Divine or from your boss, from an illumination or an invitation, our defining moments share 5 common elements.
When is it Time to Remove the Safety Lines?
On flying trapeze and trampoline, taking a skill out-of-lines is the moment when the trust shifts from trust of others to self-trust. How do you know when you’re ready to remove the safety lines?