The concept of “balance” in life is a myth. In balance, life is stuck. Instead, seek Harmony that comes from honoring all voices.
Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Rules?
If not kept in check, efforts to weed out distractions can also keep out the things that give life meaning.
A Simple Hack to Eliminate Disruptions That Derail You
If you’re constantly derailed by interruptions or distractions, this simple tip will help you stay on track without needing to enforce boundaries.
How to Stop Taking Responsibility For Other Peoples’ Actions
Being too invested in the outcomes of those you serve can drain your energy and lead to burnout. This simple shift will help you reclaim your energy.
The Foundation for Giving in Integrity
In 2018, I sold my home with the intention to start a remote business as a digital nomad. I failed to get traction. This is the lesson I wish I had learned first.
Are You Really Willing to Do Whatever It Takes to Achieve Your Goal?
If you say you’re willing to do whatever it takes to meet your goal, question whether that includes doing less and easing off.