Most traditions think of structure as the yang, or masculine, aspect in the structure/flow dynamic. But structure has a receptive quality to it.
The Courage to Be Open to Life As It Is
The spiritual path does not require us to bypass our unsavory emotions, but rather to open to accepting ourselves exactly where we are.,
How to Give Without Over-Giving
When what we give cannot be received or appreciated by the recipient, eventually it leads to frustration and burnout. This simple lesson teaches how to give so that our gifts can be received.
The Limits of Sovereignty
Claiming our areas of sovereignty requires that we also define the limits of our sovereignty by not taking over responsibility of what’s not ours to do.
Honoring All Needs in Relationship
A healthy relationship is one in which both partners honor all needs and give each other enough space.
An Essential Element Required For Learning
How we give or withhold our praise is an essential aspect that can shape ours and others’ openness to learn.
How to Set Yourself Up to Win
If you want to sustain action for the long term you’re going to need more than a clear outcome and a compelling why.