As Venus in Cancer forms a supportive trine to Neptune in Pisces, it invites us to consider that maybe we won’t need to work so hard. What would it take to trust what flows?
Venus Sextile Uranus: Revolutionizing the Currency of Care
Is our current collective values system serving our long-term good? As Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, it invites us to consider how we might benefit from a revolution to a currency of care.
5 Things to Know About Mars in Cancer
After 7 months, Mars is leaving the sign of Gemini and moving into Cancer. Here are 5 things you need to know about this transition.
The Full Moon in Cancer Invites You to Reparent Yourself
The full moon in Cancer can invites us to reparent the parts of ourselves that didn’t receive love and care as children, so that we no longer need to rely on maladaptive strategies to attract the attention we call love.
Full Moon in Cancer: The Foundation for All Success
The most crucial factor for achieving success in any endeavor is not a vision, goal, or habit. It’s not time management or even energy. It’s so fundamental that it’s often overlooked. And it’s illuminated by the full moon in Cancer.
The Paradox of the New Moon in Cancer
The very thing that gives us lift might be what’s holding us back.