As a coach, yoga teacher, and mindfulness practitioner, a core part of my practice and work with clients is to facilitate awareness. Yet one of my biggest lessons of 2023 is that sometimes a little ignorance can be a helpful thing.
5 Important Lessons I Learned in 2023 About Achieving Big Goals
A singular experience of my year reveals 5 lessons I learned about the actions and mindset required to achieve goals that I didn’t even think were possible for me.
The Paradox of Capricorn Season — and the Lesson it Teaches Us
Capricorn season invites us to channel our persistence and determination to reach our goals. It begins with the winter solstice, which invites us to begin a season of rest. Here’s the lesson we learn from this.
Are You Living for Your Obituary or Your Eulogy?
An obituary is not the same as a eulogy. In the quest to “leave a lasting legacy,” we might get hung up on amorphous visions to “impact the world” and create obituary-worthy achievements while overlooking the more lasting impact of our interpersonal interactions.
3 Consequences of Constant Striving
We live in a goal-oriented culture that has conditioned us to pursue bigger, better, faster, more — in every realm. But this approach often deprives us of what truly matters in life. Here are 3 consequences of constantly striving.
The Limits of Striving For More
Being focused on a goal can be a great thing, but being too focused on that goal can backfire.