As Venus enters Sagittarius, it invites us to explore the ways in which our relationships and connections can support our expansion, growth, and embrace of our authentic selves.
New Moon in Sagittarius: Clarify Where You Are to Get Where You Want to Go
The new moon in Sagittarius can be great for creating an expansive vision for 2024, with two major caveats invite us first to get clear on our vision and what is driving it.
Mercury in Capricorn Boosts Your Planning and Persistence
Mercury enters Capricorn for a two month journey that will include a Mercury retrograde. If we play it right, it can help us break our big visions into actionable goals. Read on for 5 tips to make the most of this transit.
Full Moon in Gemini: Slow Down to Move Fast
A typical full moon in Gemini wants to solve problems, discern options, and move quickly. With this moon’s ruler, Mercury, in a square to Neptune, we are forced to move slowly through the fog until the haze clears.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Amplify Your Life
The full moon in Sagittarius invites us to answer one of the most challenging questions about our lives, and what really is holding us back.
The New Moon in Sagittarius Season Invites You to Be Bold
After the depths and darkness of eclipse season, Sagittarius season invites us to be expansive and bold.