Imagine walking through a funhouse where objects can appear closer or father than they really are. Even though you see objects around you, you walk around holding your hands out to feel where the objects are, not quite trusting that they are where they seem to be.
It’s like walking through a haze, or walking through your house wearing your reading glasses instead of your distance glasses.
If you wear glasses, you may connect with that experience when you realize you’re wearing the wrong glasses. You might not have even realized how out of focus things were until you put on the correct glasses.
In this situation, your vision isn’t the only thing affected. Your brain is working so hard to navigate the immediate environment that it doesn’t have the bandwidth to do anything else. As a result, your thoughts are also hazy.
This is the energy of today’s new moon in Sagittarius, which occurs in a square to Neptune in Pisces.
Neptune is a planet associated with foginess, haziness, and disillusion.
New Moon in Sagittarius: Expanding Into Possibility
New moons are generally times for setting new intentions, for plotting where we want to go. This is especially so in Sagittarius, a sign known for expansiveness and adventure. In ideal circumstances, a Sagittarius new moon — which occurs as the sun and moon meet in Sagittarius, always at the end of the calendar year — can be great for visioning into the new year.
This new moon is also in a trine — a supportive aspect — to the North Node.
The North Node signals what we desire and our greatest ambitions — our path of life. This bodes well for figuring out where we want to go.
The fog created by the Sun and Moon’s square to Neptune can create the perfect conditions for dreaming into new expansive possibilities — with two important caveats.
Caveat 1: New Moon Square Neptune
The first caveat is that the other side of Neptune also is at play.
Neptune is often described as an intoxicant, and its effects are described as creating fogginess, haziness, or nebulousness.
Astrologer April Kent explains that whenever Neptune is on the scene, we have to assume that we’re not necessarily seeing everything that clearly.
Sagittarius is a sign that speaks to our belief systems.
Beliefs represent a way that we see the world.
Just like with our actual vision, we might not recognize the difference between our own beliefs and beliefs we borrowed or inherited from someone else.
As Kent explains, the invitation at this new moon is to be careful about how we choose to look at things — to make sure that we’re looking through our own eyes, with our own beliefs and convictions, rather than through the beliefs we inherited or borrowed from somebody else.
Caveat 2: Mercury Stations Retrograde
A few hours after the new moon, Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn loves to plan, but the retrograde motion puts future planning on pause for a while. Instead, it invites us to reflect and review where we’ve been and where we are before planning where we’re going next.
Mercury will regtrograde back to Sagittarius, calling us to revisit our big ideas and visions, and the beliefs that are driving them.
In order to get to where we want to go, we first need to see clearly to know exactly where we are, and to ensure the beliefs that drive us are not borrowed from anyone else.
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