Whether in the gym or in life, expanding your capacity for how much you can handle starts with strengthening the first step.
The Secret to Consistency Isn’t a Better System
In over 7 years of publishing a daily blog, many people have asked me to share my system for maintaining consistency. But the secret to consistency isn’t rooted in the HOW. It comes from a deeper foundation.
3 Ways to Track Time Without a Timer
Time isn’t just something we track on a timer or clock; it’s something we feel and experience. Here are 3 ways to track time without a timer that will help you create a better quality of time.
Why You Need Multiple Maps to Navigate Life
The skill of reading a map might feel outdated in a world of GPS, but fluency with all types of maps is essential to navigating the territory of life.
“Going With the Flow” is Not as Passive as You Think
The idea of “going with the flow” feels passive; putting us at the mercy of currents we cannot control. In fact, it’s the highest form of action and leadership.
The Most Practical Approach to Sustainable Productivity
Tired of productivity advice that leaves you teetering on the edge of burnout? The most practical and sustainable framework isn’t a new fad, but a proven practice that has withstood the test of time.