What do you do when your motivation wanes, when you feel like everything is a huge effort with no payoff, when the muse doesn’t show up, when you feel like you’re losing momentum, and when you start to wonder why am I even doing any of this?
The Limits of Modeling Others’ Success
Success leaves clues, but not all clues are relevant. You need to know what you’re looking for so you can find the parts that matter.
Blue Blood Moons, Planting Trees, and Celebrating the Process
What we can learn from moon cycles, planting seeds, and the new year for trees.
Are You Living Your Back-Up Life?
[spacer size=”40″] It was raining hard when I woke up at 6 am on Saturday. It was the kind of rain where you think it’s going to rain forever. Rain Interferes with my Plans Saturday morning is when I have trampoline practice. We recently moved back outside for the summer, and outdoor trampoline practice […]
The Important Work
[spacer]It was 11:25 am today when I sat down to write Morning Pages, the long-hand free writing exercise I have been doing almost every morning since August. Pen to paper, and suddenly… Wow. Where does the time go? Where does it go? I was out of bed by 6:05 am today. I got dressed for […]