Not all injuries are visible; that doesn’t mean they aren’t real.
How to Weaken the Grip of Shame
Shame can cause a complete system shutdown. This is how to weaken its grip.
Reflections on 9/11: The Body Remembers
We have so many apps to help us remember things that want to remember but that we forget. But we don’t need an app to help us remember the important or impactful things.
10 Things I’ve Learned About Trauma
Until recently, I never considered that I had experienced trauma. It turns out trauma is more prevalent than we think.
A Simple Tool to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
What if you could eliminate anxiety and depression without drugs or other lengthy processes? It‘s completely possible, and requires just one simple change.
Why We Should Stop Using the Term Mental Illness
Referring to mental health conditions as mental illness or mental disorder fosters a victim mindset and removes our agency to work with our pattens.