How we give or withhold our praise is an essential aspect that can shape ours and others’ openness to learn.
2 Keys to Sustaining Long-Term Action
The strategies that work for sprints rarely work for marathons. 2 keys for creating enduring actions.
The Sphere of Tiferet: Turn Polarity Into Harmony
The concept of “balance” in life is a myth. In balance, life is stuck. Instead, seek Harmony that comes from honoring all voices.
Sovereignty Requires Space
Our sovereignty lies in our ability to choose how we want to respond. The choice lies in the space we create between stimulus and response.
What Your Body Tells You About Your Boundaries
Want to know how you handle boundaries? Your body has the answers.
Surrender to the Structure
Structure can provide the key to freedom, catalyzing innovation and creativity, but only once we surrender to it.