Sometimes when life throws us through an emotional roller coaster, we power through. Then, when the dust settles, our nervous system demands its time for repair. Here’s what that looks like for me right now.
The Cost of Interruptions
Before you dismiss an interruption as “just 2 minutes,” consider what the true cost of the interruption is. It’s more than just 2 minutes.
The 3 Pillars of More Effective Time Management
The secret to time management is energy management. Here are 3 pillars of energy management that will help you create more time for what you really want to do.
The Most Crucial Skill to Master When Working From Home
The challenges you face when working from home are not about time management, but about energy management.
What Surfers Teach Us About Productivity
The general perception of surfers is that they are lazy and unproductive. The truth is quite the opposite. We can learn a lot from surfers about productivity.
How to Focus When You Feel Fatigued – Part 2
When you feel exhausted and drained, it’s easy to give into the temptation to crawl under the covers. But that’s rarely productive. How do you navigate the line between pushing yourself and getting the rest you need? How can you find your focus even when you’re feeling fatigued?
The Productivity Secret Nobody Shares
Lots of experts are eager to sell you their productivity systems, backed by bold claims about how great it is. And perhaps you have followed their advice or invested in their systems only to find that they weren’t so great, for you. Here’s why.