Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus imbues you with confidence and courage to take the big leap and create your own luck.
Leo Season Invites You to Claim the Spotlight
As the Sun enters its home sign of Leo, it invites us to claim our place in the spotlight. But three other events invite us to pause and explore what’s keeping us waiting in the wings.
Venus Square The Lunar Nodes: An Invitation to Transcend Your Fear With Confidence
As Venus squares the Lunar Nodes, it highlights the push/pull tension at the heart of life. To get out of the sticky place, we must transcend our fear and find the confidence to let go and fly.
Why You Should Never Source Your Confidence in Your Achievements
It’s tempting to source confidence in our biggest wins and achievements. But achievement is a double-edged sword and this approach can come back to bite us.
The Dangerous Addiction of High Achievers — and How to Cure It
The very thing fuels most high achievers is a risky drug that ultimately will disempower and deplete confidence.