What happens when the brightest light and the biggest planet square up in the sky?
It’s a bold aspect that can bring luck and opportunity if you’re willing to seize it.
On August 6 at 8:02 pm ET, the Sun in Leo will square Jupiter in Taurus.
Jupiter magnifies and expands, so what does it mean when it imposes its nature on the Sun?
This is happening while we are still in the heart of Venus’s retrograde through Leo, examining all the factors that keep us from claiming our place in the spotlight.
In a nutshell: it means no more hiding. It’s time to claim your spotlight.
Sun Square Jupiter: Growth, Expansion and Confidence
According to Adam Elenbaas at Nightlife Astrology, one common theme of this transit is promotion or growth and recognition of it.
It might look like a promotion, greater responsibility, or reaching a new growth milestone.
Another way this might show up is in a feeling of increased confidence. You might feel imbued with a “can-do” optimism that empowers you to take a leap or a risk.
Elenbaas explains this as
there’s a kind of this feeling of you can’t fail, like nothing can go wrong here, and often that instinct is rewarded, you step through a door, and you know, you find that it was the right thing to do at the right time.
So the confidence and charisma, there’s a kind of faithful, trusting quality that comes with it, like I can do this, you know, this is good, it’s the right time, it’s going to be okay, and that also, like there’s a kind of contagious feeling of positivity that comes in around the Sun and Jupiter.
It’s important to note that this not necessarily an either/or situation, where “this might happen” or “that might happen.”
In the spirit of Jupiter, this is very much a “both/and” situation.
The confidence and charisma to take a leap; the faith and trust that “I can do this,” that it will all be ok and everything will work out — this is what leads to our promotion or growth, the step forward in life, and the recognition that might comes with that.
How to Get Lucky
Astrologers often describe Jupiter in terms of “luck.”
What is luck, and how do we get lucky?
Many evoke the cliché that “luck happens where preparation meets opportunity.”
I disagree.
There’s no luck where preparation meets opportunity if you
- don’t trust yourself
- don’t feel confident to take action
- don’t believe you deserve the opportunity
- doubt your skills or qualifications
- are worried about what it will look like, or what you will look like
- fear how people might judge you
- believe you must first meet some specified conditions or expectations
- fear the future consequences of taking the leap
or for any of the other reasons that keep you from seizing opportunity.
Preparation meeting opportunity may set up the conditions for luck, but there’s no luck if you’re sitting on the sidelines. There’s no luck if you’re hiding.
Luck happens where preparation meets opportunity AND you take action to seize that opportunity.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity and you harness your courage and confidence to take the leap.
Luck happens when you recognize your unique talents and contribution, when you decide to stop playing by rules created by other people for their strengths and you decide to start playing your game with your rules.
In fact, “luck” doesn’t “happen” at all. It is seized from the ethers by those who spot the opportunities and claim them.
You don’t “get lucky.” You create your own luck.
Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus helps us create this kind of luck, where preparation and opportunity meet confidence and persistent action.
When you do this, that’s when you get that next step forward, the growth, the promotion, the new job, the next milestone, and the recognition that you desire.
A Bold and Expansive Message
Keep in mind that this isn’t just “Sun square Jupiter.”
Planets operate in the nature of the signs where they are residing.
Environment is everything.
This is the Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus.
These are fixed signs, with the potential for stubbornness and a willingness to stay the course.
The archetypal energy is even more pronounced here because the Sun/Jupiter square will be exact at 14°16’ of Leo/Taurus — the midpoint of the signs. The middle section of a sign is the most fixed; in fixed signs, this is the place where the archetypal energy of each sign is the strongest.
And what is that archetypal energy?
The Sun is the brightest light in our solar system. In fixed-fire sign Leo it is in its domicile, which gives it access to all of its resources. Here it is bold, confident, and courageous. It is assured in its authority and its value. It shines bright and hot.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. In fixed-earth Taurus it is deliberate, intentional, and persistent. It’s faith and optimism are neither blind nor delusional.
To the contrary, in Taurus, Jupiter’s trust is deeply rooted in tangible evidence. It’s faith is well-grounded in a history of material results created through persistent and consistent hard work. It’s buoyant optimism rests on a solid foundation of experience, training, and proven methodology.
Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus is big, bold, confident energy that encourages sustainable expansion and growth.
No More Hiding
This is strong, deeply-rooted confidence that catalyzes bold, no-holding-back-now action.
This is an aspect that invites commands you to remember who you are and all that you have done to earn the opportunities coming to you.
This doesn’t ask you if you’re ready.
It tells you, with no reservation or hesitation, that
It implores you to stop sitting on the sidelines, to stop hiding in the wings, to stop letting other people with less talent and training take the opportunities that are meant for you.
It reminds you that you have trained for this. That you are more than prepared. And that you have, and are, more than enough.
The Potential Downside
If there’s a downside here, it might be in the risk of taking on too much, expanding in a way that over-consumes personal or collective resources, or in its stubborn refusal to yield to the demands of nature or the territory of others.
And, of course, this is a square, which is a relationship of friction, even with Jupiter involved.
The friction here might come up in the tendency of Leo and Taurus to be stubborn, to want things to look and be a certain way, and to attempt to control the process to make it that way.
We might also experience friction if we become overconfident, try to fake it, or attempt to claim what isn’t ours out of a scarcity mindset or greed.
How to Make the Most of This Energy
In its balanced state, Sun in Leo is confident without being cocky. It maintains humility even while shining its light.
And Jupiter in Taurus is abundant and fertile. It reminds us that there is more than enough opportunity for everyone. This isn’t about what you can do once. It’s about sustainable expansion that can stand the test of time.
The invitation here is to let go of the need to be in control, to source your confidence from your experience and training, and to let the future unfold on its pace and timing.
Be self-assured while maintaining humility, remembering that as much as you know, there is always more to learn.
Use this energy to catalyze your pivot, to boldly assert yourself, to stand in your value and your worth and to create the luck you seek.
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