Why you should forgo challenges and favor commitments if you want to sustain a practice over the long term.
The Long Road is the Only Road
Sustainable results require commitment for the long term.
Commit to the Leap
To trust when you leap doesn’t serve you if you’re going to second guess yourself in midair. Commit to the leap.
7 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Commitment
Commitments without specifics lack power to hold you accountable to yourself and keep you stuck and directionless. Here are 7 questions to help you get specific.
3 Crucial Concepts About Commitment
What does it mean to be committed to something? How do you know when you are committed?
The Illusion of Finding Time
Time is not something you find at the lost and found. It isn’t lost, and you won’t find it. What you can find is a way, or an excuse. The choice is yours.