Overwhelm is a doorway to procrastination and being stuck. Here are 3 steps to reset when you start spinning in overwhelm.
A Contrarian Strategy for Clearing Your Mind
When you’re caught in the web of spinning thoughts and ideas, this strategy can help you clear your mind without creating more work and overwhelm.
Full Moon in Gemini: Finding Clarity Through Confusion
The final Full Moon of the year will illuminate where we feel confused, stuck, or angry, and offers a path to healing and clarity.
How to Eliminate 3 Energy Vampires From Your Mornings
How you start your day sets the tone for your day. To set yourself up for an effective day, it’s important to get clear on your plan and eliminate these top 3 energy vampires from your morning routine.
The Procrastination Matrix Will Help You Finally Get Things Done
Not all procrastination is based in fear. Use this Procrastination Matrix to uncover the root cause keeping you from what you know you want to be doing and finally get it done.
Mercury Cazimi in Gemini: Seize the Moment of Clarity Amidst Confusion
One moment of clarity might not be enough to permanently change habitual thought patterns, but we can seize that clarity and come back to it when things get blurry again.
The 3 Pillars of More Effective Time Management
The secret to time management is energy management. Here are 3 pillars of energy management that will help you create more time for what you really want to do.