[spacer size=”30″] “That’s the way we’ve always done it” is a mindset harbored by ineffective leaders. Here are 4 ways it fails organizations and how to transform it.
Taking Inventory
[spacer size=”30″] Are you doing the work to attract customers to your “store” but leaving the shelves empty? Rethinking what it means to be productive.
How Do You Know When You’re Acting From Fear?
It’s easy to say “don’t act from fear,” but how do you know when you’re in fear? And how do you know which path to take? We always know, even when we think we don’t know.
Is Your Online Course Really Achieving its Goal?
Are you meeting your goals with your online course? I’m not asking whether you’re making money. I’m asking about the primary goal.
How this Business Got Me in the Door
As a marketer, I am a student of human behavior. I am always looking at what factors influence people in their choices, and I start with myself. What I find often surprises me.