Our shadow self is the part of ourselves that we rejected and repressed. We can begin to see it by looking externally, realizing that we see in others what we are.
Three Surprising Ways You May Be Acting From Fear
What motivates your work and the actions you take in life? Are your actions infused with joy and meaning, or are you acting based in fear?
Why Accountability Buddies Are Overrated
The value of accountability buddies is taken as accepted wisdom. But it’s not always so clear cut. In the end, there’s only one accountability buddy that matters.
5 Leadership Lessons I Learned from a Real Leader
Loren Slocum Lahav wears many hats: mom, wife, friend, speaker, author, coach, business-owner, mentor, philanthropist and leader. For over 25 years, she has been the crew director for Anthony Robbins, leading the hundreds of volunteers who staff Robbins’ live events. It was in this capacity, almost 5 years ago, that I first met Loren. It […]
Pain vs Pleasure
A few months ago, a friend solicited advice on Facebook on how to encourage her young daughter to participate in a competition at school. Her daughter was resistant to participating, despite knowing that she could do well and having enjoyed this type of competition before. The comments thread was filled with helpful advice from other […]