Even when we have very real physical or tangible issues that might be impacting our ability to get things done, the real limiting factor is likely something else. What’s really holding you back is not your body, but your mind.
Mercury Trine Pluto: Redefine Yourself
The way we speak about ourselves becomes the way people see us, which influences our actions and our trajectory. Your words have power. Use them to redefine yourself.
The Only Qualification You Need to Add Value
High achievers who have been rewarded for their degrees can often shirk from the spotlight when we believe we are not qualified to serve. I’ve been there many times as I’ve transitioned my work. Here’s what I’ve learned.
5 Reasons Why Astrology is the Ultimate Productivity Tool
When I received my first natal chart reading in 2014, it piqued my curiosity, but I thought astrology was just a fun diversion. As I deepened my study of astrology, I’ve come to see it as a great tool for my personal development and productivity. Here are 5 reasons why astrology is the ultimate productivity tool.
Context is Everything
Events don’t happen in isolation. Both in the planets and in our lives, understanding the context can help bring awareness to the patterns.
The “Good Trait” That May Actually Be a Trauma Response
Being cooperative, deferential, and accommodating are often praised — especially in children. But these behaviors and attitudes can also be signs of one of the lesser-discussed responses to fear and trauma.
The Question You MUST Ask to Conclude Every Year-End Review
Year-end reviews provide us with crucial information as we plan the coming year. Don’t waste yours by neglecting to ask this crucial question.