There was a time in your life when you didn’t need permission to be who you are, when your curiosity was encouraged and playtime was part of your curriculum. What keeps you from accessing that place within yourself?
During Venus Retrograde in Leo, Confusion is a Good Thing
Venus retrogrades can create more questions than answers and lead us to feel confused about what we want. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a good thing. Here’s how to navigate it.
6 Topics That Come Up For Review During Venus Retrograde in Leo
Venus retrogrades often mark pivotal moments for us collectively and personally. Here are 6 topics that come up for review as the planet of love and desire travels backward through Leo.
Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus: The Friction of Changing Values
As Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus it pulls focus to how our values are evolving, and the friction involved in letting go of what we have inherited from others. As tough as it can be, it’s also a path that leads to our liberation.
3 Questions to Ask When Your Plan Gets Interrupted
When your work plan gets interrupted and you feel off-track, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of shame and self-blame. Before you fall down that hole, here are 3 questions to ask yourself.
5 Things to Know About Venus in Leo in 2023
What happens when the planet of love and relationships moves into the sign of firey courage? Here are 5 things to know about Venus’ transit through Leo.
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