And here we are. It’s May. Already May. Only May. Which one? It depends on your perspective.
Make Your Own Rules
Are you a rebel at heart who yearns to break free of the status quo and cultural expectations, but still find yourself struggling to extract from pressure to do things the “right” way? Here is the permission you seek to make your own rules.
Embracing the Journey
The weather forecast for today was for cloudy and rain, and as I walked to the gym it was drizzling. I allowed myself to indulge in a long Sunday workout and juicy stretch, and planned to use the day to catch up on writing and work. By the time I left the gym it was […]
Lessons and Legacy
What determines your legacy? It’s not what you think.
A Lesson in Grief and Faith
Grief is a weight that can shatter or strengthen our faith. We get to choose the meaning we give it.
The Absurdity of Time
We spend so much time thinking about time. Did you ever stop to consider how arbitrary it is?