The best thing that you can do right now to prepare for what’s next it to meet yourself where you are.
One Simple Strategy to Stop Your Spinning Mind
When you feel like you’re riding the never ending ferris wheel of looping thoughts and overthinking, try this.
What To Do When Nothing Is Working
3 options available to you when you’re feeling stuck in getting where you want to go.
How to Instantly Shift Out of Frustration and Anger
When we trade expectations for appreciation, we can shift our entire experience.
5 Reasons to Take Off the Day After A Conference
Few people are willing to take a day off after a seminar, conference, or other live event to process thoughts and insights. There’s an opportunity cost involved, but if you’re willing to do this it will pay you dividends beyond money.
Why Experts Are Overrated
We live in a culture of experts. We are encouraged to become experts, and we are bombarded by experts who want to tell us the way to do things. But expertise has its limits.