[spacer size=”40″] How do you know when you’re ready? And does it matter?
3 Myths About Meditation
[spacer size=”30″] When it comes to meditation, what’s a myth and what’s the truth? After 500 consecutive days of meditation practice, I’ve started to figure it out. Today I’m sharing the top 3 meditation myths.
Perspectives on Time
And here we are. It’s May. Already May. Only May. Which one? It depends on your perspective.
The Art of Letting Go
Loss. Chaos. Miracles. Lucky breaks. Only the perspective of time tells us which we are experiencing. Until then, we practice the Art of Letting Go.
Make Your Own Rules
Are you a rebel at heart who yearns to break free of the status quo and cultural expectations, but still find yourself struggling to extract from pressure to do things the “right” way? Here is the permission you seek to make your own rules.
The Mindset Behind My Morning Routine
[spacer size=”30″] What’s the secret to a truly productive morning routine? It might not be what you think.