[spacer size=”40″] Lost in the debate about whether we can “have it all” is a less-discussed issue that looms as a bigger threat: the idea that we can do it all.
Taking Inventory
[spacer size=”30″] Are you doing the work to attract customers to your “store” but leaving the shelves empty? Rethinking what it means to be productive.
3 Myths About Meditation
[spacer size=”30″] When it comes to meditation, what’s a myth and what’s the truth? After 500 consecutive days of meditation practice, I’ve started to figure it out. Today I’m sharing the top 3 meditation myths.
Powered by Rituals
They say that it’s what you do every day that matters, so on the tough days I like to remind myself of what I do every day. And these days are as tough as any I’ve ever faced.
Perspectives on Time
And here we are. It’s May. Already May. Only May. Which one? It depends on your perspective.
How to Navigate the Winding Path
[spacer size=”30″]Where do you fall on the spectrum of goal-setters to manifesters? SMART goals? Manifesting? Somewhere in between? Or, none of the above? I have a new frame to help you navigate the tough road.