Whether you move around the corner or around the world, moving uproots your whole life.
Your Home is Filthy. Here’s Why.
No matter how well you think you clean, your home is filthy. Here’s why.
In Uncertain Times, We Must Hold Space For Fear
The coronavirus has upended normal routines and a way of life we’ve known, and there’s no timeline on when it will end. How to create certainty in these uncertain times.
On Being Replaceable
The challenge that keeps you stuck in a job instead of growing a business is the belief that you’re unique and irreplaceable. What if you are replaceable?
A Blueprint For Finding Your Best Home
Our true home is not something we need to “find.” There’s no search to run, no listing portal to scour, no properties to tour.
The Courage to Be Wrong
Stand-up comedy requires a willingness to test your material in public. In a culture that values expertise, the willingness to be wrong takes courage.