We tend to think of rituals in the context of religious observance, but they have a role in all areas of our life. What is the power and purpose of rituals outside of religion, and how does this enhance meaning and fulfillment?
The Art of Letting Go
Loss. Chaos. Miracles. Lucky breaks. Only the perspective of time tells us which we are experiencing. Until then, we practice the Art of Letting Go.
What Are You Trying to Prove?
Our show and tell culture worships proof and rewards tangible success and achievement. We celebrate what we can measure. But what are you really trying to prove?
The Mindset Behind My Morning Routine
[spacer size=”30″] What’s the secret to a truly productive morning routine? It might not be what you think.
The Start of Getting Unstuck
[spacer size=”30″] I’m embarking on a new adventure in these pages. I’m prepared to peel back the curtain as I dig around to uncover what lies beneath the surface and put the puzzle together. I am offering you a front row seat to the show.
Lies We Tell Ourselves
It’s an irony of life that the place in which we are able to help others transform is the place where we often get stuck and need to seek help.