The more attached we are to a specific outcome, the more elusive it becomes. The best way to achieve or surpass your goals is to detach from the outcome and trust in the process.
Ask This Crucial Question to Get Clear on What You Really Desire
I thought I wanted a life of freedom as a digital nomad. Turns out that I thrive with more structure and people to show up for — in person. Here’s the question I should have asked to avoid a long journey down the wrong path.
3 Questions to Ask When Your Plan Gets Interrupted
When your work plan gets interrupted and you feel off-track, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of shame and self-blame. Before you fall down that hole, here are 3 questions to ask yourself.
How to Keep Going After You Lose Everything
I had written over 700 words of a great essay when everything disappeared. This is the mindset that helped me pick up and start again.
Are Your Goals Interfering With Your Outcome?
Meeting a specific goal at the expense of an overall outcome isn’t a sustainable long term strategy.
What is Your Minimum Viable Effort?
Sometimes the best question is not “how much more can I do?” but “what’s the least I can do?”
What To Do When Nothing Is Working
3 options available to you when you’re feeling stuck in getting where you want to go.