[spacer size=”40″] Lost in the debate about whether we can “have it all” is a less-discussed issue that looms as a bigger threat: the idea that we can do it all.
What Does it Mean to Hold Space?
[spacer size=”30″] The art and skill of holding space is an essential skill to master. What does it mean to hold space, and why is it so crucial? The Art and Skill of Holding Space The most valuable gift we can give other people is to create an environment in which they feel safe to share […]
3 Myths About Meditation
[spacer size=”30″] When it comes to meditation, what’s a myth and what’s the truth? After 500 consecutive days of meditation practice, I’ve started to figure it out. Today I’m sharing the top 3 meditation myths.
Powered by Rituals
They say that it’s what you do every day that matters, so on the tough days I like to remind myself of what I do every day. And these days are as tough as any I’ve ever faced.
The Power and Purpose of Rituals
We tend to think of rituals in the context of religious observance, but they have a role in all areas of our life. What is the power and purpose of rituals outside of religion, and how does this enhance meaning and fulfillment?
What is Truth?
Seeking Truth in a Post-Truth World Where is truth in a post-truth world? In the sea of voices, and in the age of alternative facts, how do we find the truth? How deep must we dive to uncover truth? Perhaps not as deep as we think.