What is happening right in front of us that we don’t see? And what do we see, but fail to notice? Do you notice what you notice?
The Ultimate Personal Growth Immersion Experience
[spacer size=”40″] Rosh Hashana isn’t just the “Jewish New Year.” It’s the start date for the original personal growth immersion experience, an epic journey of the soul.
The Physiology of Grief
[spacer size=”40″] Mindfulness practice helps us notice what we feel. The sensations in our bodies offer clues to our emotions. Here’s how grief feels in the body.
This is what I learned when I quit Facebook for a year without deleting the app
I stopped checking Facebook for a year, without deleting the app. This is the biggest lesson I learned in my time off of the social network.
Can We Really Do It All?
[spacer size=”40″] Lost in the debate about whether we can “have it all” is a less-discussed issue that looms as a bigger threat: the idea that we can do it all.
What Does it Mean to Hold Space?
[spacer size=”30″] The art and skill of holding space is an essential skill to master. What does it mean to hold space, and why is it so crucial? The Art and Skill of Holding Space The most valuable gift we can give other people is to create an environment in which they feel safe to share […]