Whatever kind of tree you’re planting, it won’t bear fruit without strong roots.
What’s Holding Your Potential Hostage?
Wisdom and reflections for the new moon in Scorpio.
If You Want Freedom, You Need Radical Self-Honesty
Radical self-honesty is an essential ingredient of self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-love. And it’s crucial to freeing ourselves from what holds us back.
Full Moon in Capricorn: Illuminate Your Shadow and Release What’s Holding You Back
The full moon and partial lunar eclipse invite us to illuminate what’s in the shadows and release what no longer serves our evolution to our highest selves.
What Asking “Is It Worth It?” Reveals About You
On the cusp of any major investment, you’re likely to ask “is it worth it?” This question reveals more about you more than it reveals about what you’re evaluating.
Seeing the Light Within
Even when it looks gloomy and grey, the light is always there. Sometimes it’s just hidden by clouds.