The Jewish New Year and nature provide us with a well-tested guide to how to grow something sustainable. The process is the opposite of what you’ve been trained to believe.
How to Increase Your Ability to Handle Risk
This is an essay about squats and the holiday of Sukkot, the thread that ties them together, and the lesson they teach us about how to move with greater ease.
Untangling the Roots of Our Cultural Problems
If we want to solve the actual problems we are facing as a collective, we can’t just cut down the tree; we need to explore and untangle the roots.
Nourish the Roots
Whatever kind of tree you’re planting, it won’t bear fruit without strong roots.
New Moon in Taurus: An Invitation to Examine Our Foundation
The new moon in Taurus invites us to examine our foundation and consider how we will rebuild in the wake of the massive uprooting and disruption.